Friday, September 7, 2007

humbly at The Peak chipping away

Humbly at the peak chipping away...

I am a little clever person ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ as the saying goes. Towering Intellects, and the Giant of Science. A veritable mountain, a timeline which I humbly but determinedly traverse, map, have traversed, have mapped…

I have traversed from the basecamp to it’s height…and as is the case with climbing real mountains, there are myriad dangers.

Others climb nimbly as Sherpas from basecamp to the very peak - but have they comprehended the mountain, and did they linger at it’s peak?

Others yet sit happily at basecamp, and sing the songs of dead heroes (but most of these bards aren’t quite so happy…)

I, however, am a systematic and ruthless Extractor of precious metals. For is not a Mountain comprised of many elements, some as fleeting as ice and snow – blown away as the seasons change, and poor fools with them?

I sometimes visit basecamp and the lower levels just above it for respite and pure entertainment, and also as salutations for the Worthiest of the Ancients.

And I do believe they watch us, indeed I believe we, you, I, Us – We can all come to Know that they watch us – This is what is to be found at The Peak.

The Peak of the Mountain of Heroes, Geniuses and Science reaches up into the Glorious Aether. Akasha.

Besides those who are lucky or chosen (mediums, etc), only those with Absolute Allegiance to Science, it’s Ideal, it’s Abstract Concept – only they will come to the Nether Regions between Belief and Knowing.. and have the opportunity to cross the threshhold into The Knowing. The Indestructible Knowing that not only smiles at the Grim Reaper/Yama but Laughs with the Laughter of Gods.

The Knowers are among us. I want to join them. Don’t you? Mediums, former Remote Viewing agents from the Cold War, Scientists in Laboratories, myriads of MDs who have witnessed enough freaky stuff to Know – to be Indestructible (or rather, to finally comprehend one’s indestructibility)

I humbly now stand at The Peak, chipping away with my scientific pickaxe, to find The Knowing for myself, me. Find The Knowing for yourself, fellow sufferer, and crush all doubt into dust.

At this time right now in 2007, yes, many of us will fail and drop off the mortal tree having only Believed the findings of Science. For some, that is enough. I want more, More! All of it!

Do not despair my fellow believers, my fellow sub-knowers. The Scientists (that is, the True Scientists, unlike the archaic fools who scarcely deserve the title) have been at work with their Mighty Machinery – The Mountain is Exploring Itself with Formidable Machinery!

The Scientists in their thousands worldwide are at the peak with us and the conclusion is always the same, rising up in a wave, a crescendo – it’s real, it’s real, Afterlife is Real. IT’S REAL! ITS REAL! CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSCENDS THE MORTAL FRAME!

The Findings, Papers and Published Books of Utter Academic Integrity continue to rain on us as Sweet Manna.

But Alas, we are only human, are we not? Some of us (such as myself) want Personal Proof.
Why should those such as myself sit by and die waiting for Science (and it’s Truest Disciples) to finally distill Proof into doses sufficient for the Consumption of the Masses? When’s it going to hit the front page? Tommorrow? Next Year? 2030?!

Us humble amateurs, us little selfish ones, let us watch what Science finds (and has indeed already found) , and let us do our own little forays as well…

Dare I say, try to leave your body (and return) flying through the Aether for one’s self, or try to record ghosts on audio?

If you need it, if you hunger it as I do, if you are at the Mountain’s peak as I am, if you read and consume all the Manna of Scientific findings yet still do not feel Indestructible – GET YOUR OWN PROOF!

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