Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Zionist Archons

The Zionist Archons are holding the keys to Gnosis and they dare only peak thru the doorways because their petty minds can only absorb so much of the Light and Love.

The Zionist Archons try to block our way, but those who seek shall find, as a wise man (Jesus) once said. They cannot stop us knocking at the door, and it will open, and we can and have and shall walk thru, as these parasites cower...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Europe is Dying

Notebook 5[89]summer1886-autumn1887

Against the great error of thinking that our era (Europe) represents the highest human type. Instead: the men of the Renaissance were higher, as were the Greeks; infact, perhaps we are at a rather low level: 'understanding' is not a sign of highest force but of thorough fatigue, moralisation itself is a 'decadence'.


(quoted in entirety from Writings From the Late Notebooks, Cambridge, 2003. Translated by Kate Sturge. Such unpublished texts were previously only easily publicly available in the posthumous collation of notes published as 'The Will to Power’)