Sunday, September 23, 2007

My thoughts on the image shown below

Yes! Yes!!

Now, one may ask - what the Fuck?!

Realise something about Northern Europe's History just prior to the time of this depiction of Christ - The Vikings had streamed over in their waves, bringing their plants with them. Modern Academia are basically in consensus on the idea that the Viking "Beserker" warriors, for instance, were taking mushrooms. They would "see the Gods", ie. Wotan/Odin, Thor etc and would have been therefore utterly fearless in battle, eager and ready to go to Viking Heaven!

The Vikings oftentimes enough settled in the areas they conquered, and similar to the Mongols would oftentimes enough become "integrated" into their host cultures. Mongols became "Chinese" etc, and Vikings became "Christian". Blessed Scandinavians, they brought their magic mushies with them!

I mean, Look At This Picture! Isn't it just one of the most hilarious things you have Ever seen? Medieval Europe, and Jesus shown as saying "Psychedelic Mushrooms are Good" indeed "They are like Angelic Intermediaries" (I mean, come on - Four Angels, Four Mushrooms)

And to top it off, the Mushrooms are portrayed in a form that is unambiguously Anthropomorphic, and this perfectly is in line with what countless peoples have said about mushies and other entheogens, describing them as "beings". Now, whether you think this is silly or whatever, who cares? Point is, what a Hilarious depiction of Jesus!

Jesus depicted as Lord of Magical Plants. The Canterbury Psalter, c. 1147 CE.

Jesus as Lord of Magical Plants, 12th C. AD

Jesus depicted as lord of Magical Plants. The Canterbury Psalter, c. 1147 CE.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

people not to spiritually curse

I know a horrible old man who treats a beloved elder female family member of mine like garbage. Now, I don't believe in the archaic concept of Karma as a metaphysical force in the Kosmos, although I do take some pleasure in the my belief that this old bastard will suffer in the afterlife in some way regardless (earthbound spirit, grumbling about things etc)

I believe you can Bless and Curse people, through your own power and through the power of those forces that resonate with you and concur and aide you in your focussing of Blessedness or Cursedness upon the individual/s in question.

The problem is, some people are best left alone. For instance, there is an extremely Ignoble type of individual who scarcely deserves the title of "human", who will take advantage of all blessings in their life upon others (inflict their power rather than share their abundance) and will also take out upon others their misfortunes (especially their sexual partners).

The Evil Man I speak of is such an individual. Were he to be Cursed, he would treat my beloved female elder worser. Were he to be Blessed, he would yet still treat her worser.

Geez, when this Geezer dies I am going to throw a One-Man party!

Point is, he is not in my prayers, my prayers for positive bestowal or negative. He gets nothing. But I Bless his partner, my family elder who he so maligns. Get the picture?

Be careful who you try to Curse...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Key to Good Friendship

Each of us has a basket of apples, and some of them are sour, ripe and rotten. It has taken me till 25 to realize that I was hanging out with people who's baskets are overfull of the sour and rotten. Ah, the true friend is one who has lots of ripe apples in their basket!

This is assuming, of course, that you are not sour and rotten to the brimful yourself, in which case enjoy your company with fellow sour&rottens! But I am mainly to the brimful with ripe (this is an intuitive thing, that goes beyond rational reasoning).

When you say Equals, you do not mean the same. It is an intuitive math that transcends normal modes of rational thought, that sums up an individual. Different, but equal, on par. Equally full of excellence, dynamism and optimism.

No more baskets to the brimful of sour and rotten apples for me

Friday, September 14, 2007

Nietzsche on fighting with Monsters

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you

(Beyond Good and Evil, 146)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Islam - the Eternal Enemy

You can be friends with a Muslim, but you can never be friends with Islam.

If don't know what I'm talking about, poor you. You need some serious "catch up" I'm ahead of you. Follow, if you will. If you don't, fine. That's your path, the path of blissful ignorance.

Any Muslim familiar with their holy texts knows that their God, Allah, commands them to CONQUER THE PLANET.

Now, Christianity has done countless atrocities for over 1500 years and continues to do them to this day through the brain-rape of children (into becoming brainwashed carriers of the meme, the disease that is Christianity)...but the devil is in the details...Christians are commanded by their God, Yahweh/Jehovah/Christ to spread the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, and in the process annoy the shit out of a lot of people. But that's all they are required to do...

I shall continue to digress on Christianity in order to accentuate the fundamental difference between these two religions/memes/diseases. Christians, Christianity - in the modern no longer expansionary. They are still virile and powerful in some places on this Earth. yes, but Christendom as a whole has settled into a graceful old age, they see the End Times are near (perhaps they are! but not in the way they think ;) ) Christendom continues to annoy us with their missionaries and what-have-you, but they are now mainly looking to just hold onto what they have, as are we, the Post-Christians...

ISLAM. Their religion divides the planet into two Houses. The House of Peace (Islam, Submission) and the House of War (War against Allah).

They are commanded by their God, every last one of them, to expand, push always destroy, conquer politically the House of War, until it ceases to exist. Very ruthless logic. Now, there are two jihads.

There is the Violent Jihad, and the Silent Jihad (Demographic Jihad...outbreeding westerners in their own countries, where they have declining birthrate, ageing populations typically, post-christian nation-states/societies, cultures)

The United States, infact, is lucky. They only get bombed. Short of liberal useage of Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Muslims have no hope of outbreeding the Americans in their own country. Alas, much of The West is not so lucky. Dutchistan, Frankistan, Londonistan, Australiastan...

Now, most Muslim immigrants mean you no harm (they are sheep) they do not actively wage war (hot or cold). But amongst these people are Dark Shepherds who know exactly what they are doing...

To conclude (for now, I have much more to say and really these aren't my original ideas...Islam, the Eternal Enemy, it's Academic) I am going to paste a bunch of links, and if I find more I shall paste more in further posts.

Oh, by the way! I only just remembered to mention this! Did you know Muslims are allowed to lie to Non-Muslims? They can tell you massive lies if their conscience dictates to them that it serves the Greater Cause of Islam. Ponder that!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Notebook 7 [39], end of 1886-spring 1887

A full and powerful soul can not only cope with painful, even terrible losses, privations, dispossessions and disdain: from such hells it emerges fuller and more powerful and – the crucial thing – with a new growth in the blissfulness of love. I believe that the man who has sensed something of the deepest conditions of every growth in love will understand Dante when he wrote over the gates of his Inferno: ‘I too was created by eternal love’.


(quoted in entirety from Writings From the Late Notebooks, Cambridge, 2003. Translated by Kate Sturge. Such unpublished texts were previously only easily publicly available in the posthumous collation of notes published as 'The Will to Power’)

Why Schizophrenia Survived - a theory

Christians say "God is no respecter of persons".

The same goes for Evolution. What is Powerful is just that, Powerful - doesn't matter if it's to the detriment of the individual, the only deciding factor is whether that suffering individual propagates their genes, spawns progeny.

I know a Schizophrenic. No, it's not me. It's someone very near and dear to me. And therefore I have pondered on this affliction. Briefly, to digress, let me describe to you ignoramouses who need to play catch-up what Schizophrenia entails...

You know the ludicrousness of your dreams when you are asleep and for some reason they make sense at the time? That's what it's like for these people in their waking life, either constantly or when their break from reality reaches a peak, an episode.

Also, they typically suffer from acute paranoia that people or "stuff", (whatever) is out to get them. They see things that aren't there, hear things that aren't there. They read the newspaper and 'read between the lines' and believe they see 'patterns'.

Another brief digression - the person I know and love has been sane for over 12 years. They started taking medication that specifically treats the affliction and they are fine, cured. They're one of the lucky ones, others are still crazy even with high doses of meds!

NOW - I have a theory why Schizophrenia has survived, indeed, how Natural Selection has favoured it through certain Epochs of human history.

In Ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi and other such Oracles were consulted. These were typically women (such as at Delphi) and they were almost always on drugs. A person on drugs ranting stuff was considered a link with the Other Realm.

The same goes for the Shaman. Drugs, visions. Now, hang on for a minute - I by no means rule out the possibility that certain drugs can indeed induce a connection with the Paranormal Aspect of Existence, indeed for me to claim otherwise would be to have the evidence stacked up against me.

A tired cliche, but one worth mentioning is the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Drugs, or Insanity, or both! Hindu Gods? Gnosticism? Drugs, Insanity and other stuff all mixed in with a twist. Are you following me?

Drugs Digression Over. Back to Schizophrenia. Evolution is no respecter of persons. What survives survives. I advance the theory that in certain parts of the world, during certain historical periods, madness was not always an impediment, rather it could be the key to advancement, indeed to the uppermost echelons of Power!

The Shaman is an obvious example. Perceived as a Direct Conduit to the Gods, or God.

Now imagine a Tribal Leader with Schizophrenia. Especially Paranoid Schizophrenia...

Sure, some of them would be far too out of control to be effective leaders, but others would be exceptional, indeed charismatic and they would be seen as a sort of fusion of Shaman and Chief.

A Tribal Leader with Paranoid Schizophrenia would perceive enemies to abound wherever they look, indeed many of them would become like Josef Stalin, and ruthlessly not only destroy and conquer, predate upon their neighbouring tribes, but they would do purges of their own people. And once again, some would overstep the mark and perhaps be assassinated, what have you, but others would be revered as visionary

Now imagine a Tribal Leader with Schizophrenia in a culture that has Polygamy. Hah! Bwahahahahah! Case Closed! The Mystery is Solved!

Schizophrenia has survived (and it is genetic, thats Science) because even though in our modern age it is a serious impediment, in previous eras it was seen as a mark of favour, a calling. Evolution is no respecter of individuals...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Hammer Speaks

The Hammer Speaks

'Why so hard?' The charcoal once said to the diamond; 'for are we not close relations?'
Why so soft, O my brothers, thus I ask you: for are you not - my brothers?
Why so soft, unresisting and yielding? Why is there so much denial and abnegation in your hearts, so little fate in your glances?
And if you will not be fates, if you will not be inexorable: how can you conquer with me?
And if your hardness with not flash and cut and cut to pieces: how can you one day - create with me?
For all creators are hard, and it must seem bliss to you to press your hand upon millenia as upon wax,
bliss to write upon millenia as upon metal - harder than metal, nobler than metal. Only the noblest is perfectly hard.
This new law-table do I put over you, my brothers: Become hard!

Nietzsche, The finale to Twilight of the Idols, 1888

Nietzsche on the Will to Power

What is good? - All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man. What is bad? - All that proceeds from weakness. What is happiness? - The feeling that power increases, that a resistance is overcome.

(The Anti-Christ, 2) 1888

Neo-Nietzschean forms of Spirituality

I hesitate to give a definition for two things - what exactly a Neo-Nietzschean is, or indeed what Neo-Nietzscheans who also embrace spiritual beliefs (or indeed Knowings) are. All I can say is I am a living example of just that.

People seem to fuse at the hip spirituality with being 'nice'. Well, I'm nice I suppose but I'm also not-nice! I am an Ape, and Overman (Ubermensch), dare I say?

Nietzsche, the Towering Genius. Those who have only ever had a cursory reading of who Nietzsche was, what his main philosophy was (ie. haven't actually read any of his books, many of which are veritable Tomes) just don't get it.

Those who have read Nietzsche's books in the wrong order (starting out with the wrong book/s first...this is a problem endemic to understanding his Greatness), they just don't get it either.

Nietzsche was a Master Psychologist. Before the field of Psychology existed. In a Fight with Freud, he would destroy Freud in a matter of seconds. In a Fight with Carl Jung he would be narrowly defeated by Jung, in my opinion, but that's only because Jung had spirituality on his side... (no fair!)

and Here is where me and dear Fritz part ways - sorry man, but you were wrong. There is a Paranormal Aspect to existence.

But hey, no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater, by no means! Hell, no!

Now, others will give you a different list of the Order to read Nietzsche's most important works in, but who cares. Here's My List (writes you a prescription like a Herr Doktor) *scribbles*

1878 Human, All to Human (The COMPLETE Version, not just the Penguin Paperback. That only has part one. there's two extra parts, Assorted Opinions and Maxims, and The Wanderer and his Shadow

1881 Daybreak (also translated The Dawn)

1883 The Gay Science (it means 'The Joyful Wisdom, silly. it was the 19th century)


read these three - not necessarily in their entireties or even in order (either individually from front-to-back, or the three books as a whole...this is whats great about Nietzsche you can dip in and out, but be careful not to forget what you have and haven't read)

and also read these three in tandem with

1886 Beyond Good and Evil

1888 Twilight of the Idols

There you go, that's my prescription, and one last piece of advice. His most fun writings are the ones where it's a short aphorism of one single sentence, or maybe two, three or four. They are like Diamonds

All Hail Nietzsche

Friday, September 7, 2007

LSD Legalisation! How? I'll tell ya

Strict terms and conditions would have to apply.

I came up with this idea about oh six months back its an absolute scream. Part joke, part serious.

They could dole out prescriptions to the populace where you get only, say, 3 trips a year etc and its a prescription from your Doc and then you take it to these big enclosures, these huge nature reserves etc that are as large as golf courses but it's mega-tight I realise this is sounding all a bit Orwellian but bare with me (snickers) ...

So you take your prescription to your local "LSD Land" (Like Disney Land) and once you're in, you're IN, Locked In until you're no longer tripping. Now, there will be a certain percentage of the population who will bug out entirely when this occurs and thats when the Benevolent folks in white coats will have to shoot them with tranquilizer darts etc

But the rest of us, over time it would become normal, this kinda way of doing Acid. We'd accept that it's a necessary evil so that society doesn't descend into utter madness!

Think about it ;)

Those I resonate with

I Resonate with the Warriors. I see no contradiction in the statement that I make which is that Humanity at it's highest evolutionary level, spiritually, shall adopt to volitionally become extinct but hey thats centuries or millenia away so lets smite the Borg, the Drones while we're here. War (whether Cold or Hot)! Battle Planet!

humbly at The Peak chipping away

Humbly at the peak chipping away...

I am a little clever person ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ as the saying goes. Towering Intellects, and the Giant of Science. A veritable mountain, a timeline which I humbly but determinedly traverse, map, have traversed, have mapped…

I have traversed from the basecamp to it’s height…and as is the case with climbing real mountains, there are myriad dangers.

Others climb nimbly as Sherpas from basecamp to the very peak - but have they comprehended the mountain, and did they linger at it’s peak?

Others yet sit happily at basecamp, and sing the songs of dead heroes (but most of these bards aren’t quite so happy…)

I, however, am a systematic and ruthless Extractor of precious metals. For is not a Mountain comprised of many elements, some as fleeting as ice and snow – blown away as the seasons change, and poor fools with them?

I sometimes visit basecamp and the lower levels just above it for respite and pure entertainment, and also as salutations for the Worthiest of the Ancients.

And I do believe they watch us, indeed I believe we, you, I, Us – We can all come to Know that they watch us – This is what is to be found at The Peak.

The Peak of the Mountain of Heroes, Geniuses and Science reaches up into the Glorious Aether. Akasha.

Besides those who are lucky or chosen (mediums, etc), only those with Absolute Allegiance to Science, it’s Ideal, it’s Abstract Concept – only they will come to the Nether Regions between Belief and Knowing.. and have the opportunity to cross the threshhold into The Knowing. The Indestructible Knowing that not only smiles at the Grim Reaper/Yama but Laughs with the Laughter of Gods.

The Knowers are among us. I want to join them. Don’t you? Mediums, former Remote Viewing agents from the Cold War, Scientists in Laboratories, myriads of MDs who have witnessed enough freaky stuff to Know – to be Indestructible (or rather, to finally comprehend one’s indestructibility)

I humbly now stand at The Peak, chipping away with my scientific pickaxe, to find The Knowing for myself, me. Find The Knowing for yourself, fellow sufferer, and crush all doubt into dust.

At this time right now in 2007, yes, many of us will fail and drop off the mortal tree having only Believed the findings of Science. For some, that is enough. I want more, More! All of it!

Do not despair my fellow believers, my fellow sub-knowers. The Scientists (that is, the True Scientists, unlike the archaic fools who scarcely deserve the title) have been at work with their Mighty Machinery – The Mountain is Exploring Itself with Formidable Machinery!

The Scientists in their thousands worldwide are at the peak with us and the conclusion is always the same, rising up in a wave, a crescendo – it’s real, it’s real, Afterlife is Real. IT’S REAL! ITS REAL! CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSCENDS THE MORTAL FRAME!

The Findings, Papers and Published Books of Utter Academic Integrity continue to rain on us as Sweet Manna.

But Alas, we are only human, are we not? Some of us (such as myself) want Personal Proof.
Why should those such as myself sit by and die waiting for Science (and it’s Truest Disciples) to finally distill Proof into doses sufficient for the Consumption of the Masses? When’s it going to hit the front page? Tommorrow? Next Year? 2030?!

Us humble amateurs, us little selfish ones, let us watch what Science finds (and has indeed already found) , and let us do our own little forays as well…

Dare I say, try to leave your body (and return) flying through the Aether for one’s self, or try to record ghosts on audio?

If you need it, if you hunger it as I do, if you are at the Mountain’s peak as I am, if you read and consume all the Manna of Scientific findings yet still do not feel Indestructible – GET YOUR OWN PROOF!