Sunday, September 9, 2007

Why Schizophrenia Survived - a theory

Christians say "God is no respecter of persons".

The same goes for Evolution. What is Powerful is just that, Powerful - doesn't matter if it's to the detriment of the individual, the only deciding factor is whether that suffering individual propagates their genes, spawns progeny.

I know a Schizophrenic. No, it's not me. It's someone very near and dear to me. And therefore I have pondered on this affliction. Briefly, to digress, let me describe to you ignoramouses who need to play catch-up what Schizophrenia entails...

You know the ludicrousness of your dreams when you are asleep and for some reason they make sense at the time? That's what it's like for these people in their waking life, either constantly or when their break from reality reaches a peak, an episode.

Also, they typically suffer from acute paranoia that people or "stuff", (whatever) is out to get them. They see things that aren't there, hear things that aren't there. They read the newspaper and 'read between the lines' and believe they see 'patterns'.

Another brief digression - the person I know and love has been sane for over 12 years. They started taking medication that specifically treats the affliction and they are fine, cured. They're one of the lucky ones, others are still crazy even with high doses of meds!

NOW - I have a theory why Schizophrenia has survived, indeed, how Natural Selection has favoured it through certain Epochs of human history.

In Ancient Greece, the Oracle of Delphi and other such Oracles were consulted. These were typically women (such as at Delphi) and they were almost always on drugs. A person on drugs ranting stuff was considered a link with the Other Realm.

The same goes for the Shaman. Drugs, visions. Now, hang on for a minute - I by no means rule out the possibility that certain drugs can indeed induce a connection with the Paranormal Aspect of Existence, indeed for me to claim otherwise would be to have the evidence stacked up against me.

A tired cliche, but one worth mentioning is the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Drugs, or Insanity, or both! Hindu Gods? Gnosticism? Drugs, Insanity and other stuff all mixed in with a twist. Are you following me?

Drugs Digression Over. Back to Schizophrenia. Evolution is no respecter of persons. What survives survives. I advance the theory that in certain parts of the world, during certain historical periods, madness was not always an impediment, rather it could be the key to advancement, indeed to the uppermost echelons of Power!

The Shaman is an obvious example. Perceived as a Direct Conduit to the Gods, or God.

Now imagine a Tribal Leader with Schizophrenia. Especially Paranoid Schizophrenia...

Sure, some of them would be far too out of control to be effective leaders, but others would be exceptional, indeed charismatic and they would be seen as a sort of fusion of Shaman and Chief.

A Tribal Leader with Paranoid Schizophrenia would perceive enemies to abound wherever they look, indeed many of them would become like Josef Stalin, and ruthlessly not only destroy and conquer, predate upon their neighbouring tribes, but they would do purges of their own people. And once again, some would overstep the mark and perhaps be assassinated, what have you, but others would be revered as visionary

Now imagine a Tribal Leader with Schizophrenia in a culture that has Polygamy. Hah! Bwahahahahah! Case Closed! The Mystery is Solved!

Schizophrenia has survived (and it is genetic, thats Science) because even though in our modern age it is a serious impediment, in previous eras it was seen as a mark of favour, a calling. Evolution is no respecter of individuals...

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